Godzilla vs. Spacegodzilla: Godzillavangelists Episode 33

Image credit of Toho

The infamous Godzilla vs. Spacegodzilla is finally upon our doorstep. With all the gooey romance, crystal obsession, and bad acting, we're surprised Spacegodzilla isn't an LA gal.

Guest Brian Sacripanti puts his talent agent skills to work judging the movie's performances. Sam likens the movie to a Happy Meal. Joanna criticizes Mogera's nose. And Ryan frets over a problematic part of Spacegodzilla's anatomy.

Our next episode is a dive into Godzilla's rival- Gamera! It's a double feature spanning 1969 to 1995, and it shouldn't be missed.

Listen on Youtube below, or get it from Spotify here, or iTunes here!